Pigford Forever
” At the time of his premature death, the great provocateur Andrew Breitbart was more than a year into a grinding crusade to bring attention to a little-known class-action settlement called Pigford, which had begun with plausible accusations that the U.S. Department of Agriculture had discriminated against a small number of black farmers, but which had spiraled into a billion-dollar, open-ended government kickback machine for untold thousands that showed no signs of letting up. The Pigford case represented everything Breitbart raged against in the American political order — large-scale cronyism, corrosive and cynical identity politics, unrepentant hypocrisy, and the predictable indifference of the mainstream media. A handful of conservative outlets reported on the story at the time — including NR — and a handful of liberal outlets dedicated only as much ink to these stories as it took to dismiss them. But in Breitbart’s lifetime,Pigford never cracked into “the conversation”; it never came to be seen as emblematic of a deeper corruption endemic in Big Government.
Perhaps that will now change with the publication, by no less an arbiter of “the conversation” than the New York Times, of a deeply reported 5,000-word piece on Pigford and its descendants that, if anything, reveals the truth to be worse than was previously thought.”
Related articles
- NATIONAL REVIEW: Pigford Forever: “At the time of his premature death, the great provocateur Andre… (pjmedia.com)
- A shaming of the feds on Pigford by the NRO editors (rare.us)
- New York Times: Breitbart Was Right On Pigford (breitbart.com)
- The NYT finally vindicates Andrew Breitbart on Pigford case (rare.us)
- Andrew Breitbart vindicated on Pigford after years of attacks from Media Matters and others (legalinsurrection.com)
- Media Matters’ Frenzy of 20 Stories to Discredit Breitbart’s Pigford Investigation (breitbart.com)
- Mark Levin: Pigford is the kind of scandal that used to bring Presidents down (riehlworldview.com)